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Writer's pictureAndrea Sarkauskas

How do I Know if my Child Needs Speech Therapy?

If you're wondering whether or not your child needs speech therapy, you're definitely not alone. Many parents are unsure of when and how to get started with speech therapy, especially if their child is still quite young. In this post, we'll outline some of the signs that may suggest your child could benefit from speech therapy services. We'll also provide some tips on how to find the right therapist for your family. Keep reading for more information!

Signs of a Speech Disorder

When children begin to talk, parents and caregivers pay close attention to their speech patterns. This is because most children follow a predictable path as they learn to use language. However, some children may show signs of a speech disorder, which can interfere with their ability to communicate effectively. Some common signs of a speech disorder include difficulty making certain sounds, such as "s" or "r," or difficulty pronouncing words correctly. Often times you may notice this most when your child is talking to someone and the person is frequently asking your child to repeat him or herself. This can range from ages 2-10 depending on the age, sound error, and severity of the disorder. Some children are delayed in talking, such as not saying 2-word phrases or have a vocabulary of 50 words by age 2. Other children may repeat words or parts of words (stutter). Some children may have excellent reactions to things you do and show appropriate facial expressions but aren’t necessarily talking themselves.

If you are concerned that your child may have a speech disorder because they are presenting with one or more of the previously listed signs, it is important to consult with a Speech-Language Pathologist who can provide an assessment and recommend the appropriate treatment. Contact us at Chit Chat Speech Therapy. Early intervention is important in order to maximize the child's communication skills.

How Speech Therapy can Help Your Child

When most people think of speech therapy, they envision a young child struggling to say his or her first words. While it is true that speech therapy can be very helpful for children who are just learning to talk, it can also be beneficial for kids of all ages. Speech therapy can help with a variety of issues, including articulation disorders, stuttering, and language delays. Elementary-aged children are the most common client in speech therapy as there are many different communication disorders in that age group. Therapy sessions typically involve working with a certified speech therapist on a range of exercises designed to improve communication skills. Most importantly, speech therapy can provide kids with the tools they need to overcome their challenges and lead more successful lives.

Benefits of Early Intervention

Early intervention is critical for children with speech and language disorders. The earlier these disorders are identified, the sooner treatment can begin. By providing early intervention services, we can help children to develop the communication skills they need to succeed in school and in life. While every child is unique, there are some general benefits that have been associated with early intervention for speech and language disorders. These benefits include improved academic achievement, enhanced social skills, and increased self-confidence. In addition, early intervention can help to reduce the severity of symptoms and improve the long-term outlook for children with speech and language disorders. The earlier intervention starts, the less the overall cost for therapy in the future because early intervention has a higher and quicker success rate in treating communication disorders. For these reasons, it is essential that we provide early intervention services to children who need them. If your child did not start speech therapy at a young age for early intervention, don't worry! It doesn't mean all hope is lost, it just means we change our approach. Children learn so quickly that if your child did not get early intervention, we can still make great progress!

How to Find the Right Speech Therapist for You

There are many different types of speech therapists, and finding the right one for you or your child can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to help you find the right speech therapist in your area. First, consider your needs. Do you or your child need help with articulation, fluency, or receptive and expressive language skills? Once you know what type of help you need, you can start to narrow down your search. You should also make sure that the therapist is licensed and certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Ask therapists about their training and experience, as well as their methods and techniques. Ask them how frequently they communicate with you about strategies for you to use at home, how they are making progress, and how they are doing compared to same-aged peers. By taking the time to find the right speech therapist, you can be sure that you or your child will get the help you need. Some speech therapy companies send off the data sheets to insurance and don't communicate with parents about their child's progress beyond how they did in speech that day and what activity they worked on. This leaves parents feeling frustrated and confused about why they are continuing to pay for sessions when they get so little information about their child back. Chit Chat Speech Therapy has worked with children between the ages of 2-16 years of age and we take the time to get to know your child so we can make the most impactful use of therapy sessions. We communicate with you on a regular basis about what cues are working for your child (or involve YOU in the session!), how much progress they're making, and how you can work on speech therapy at home in a fun way. We love parents who are involved in their child's speech therapy journey!

What to Expect from Speech Therapy Sessions

Speech therapy sessions vary depending on the needs of the patient. However, most therapy sessions follow a similar format. The therapist will start by assessing the patient's speech abilities in specific areas. Once the assessment is complete, the therapist will work with the patient to set goals for the session. These goals are developed by planning therapy with you as the parent and targeting areas of weakness. The therapist will then create a customized plan to help your child reach these goals. This is done by using specialized techniques from their training that help your child improve a specific skill. Speech therapy sessions typically last 30 minutes and are usually held 1-2 times per week depending on the arrangement you make. Here at Chit Chat Speech Therapy, we take it a few steps further so you are always in the know about what your child is working on. We record videos of cues that work the best for your child so you can see how to cue them at home when they won’t know they’re working on speech! We also keep parents involved in the progress of their child by having online data sheets available that track your child’s progress. We also try to involve you in the session or session review as much as we can so you know what you can do to help your child throughout the rest of the week.

If you think your child might need speech therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The sooner you get started with therapy, the sooner your child will start making progress. There is no shame in seeking assistance for your child! Speech therapy can make a world of difference in a child’s life and has many benefits that go beyond just improving communication skills. Contact us at Chit Chat Speech Therapy today to learn more about how we can help your child reach his or her fullest potential!

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